On Wednesday, June 17, the Bloomington City Council will be voting to approve taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky and All-Options (among other recipients) through the Jack Hopkins Social Services award.  Both of these organizations should be of grave to concern to all citizens of good will, as they are both tied closely tied to abortion.  Planned Parenthood operates an abortion clinic in Bloomington which sees women come from all over Indiana, as well as from neighboring states, to have their children killed there.  All-Options openly promotes abortion as part of its mission, and also runs the Hoosier Abortion Fund, which raises money to pay for abortions.

Please consider taking the time to contact our city council members (you may find their names and contact info below) and encourage them NOT to provide our tax dollars to organizations that promote the heinous act of taking the lives of innocent children through abortion.

Jim Sims


Stephen Volan


Isabel Piedmont-Smith


Kate Rosenbarger


Matt Flaherty


Sue Sgambelluri


Dave Rollo


Susan Sandberg


Ron Smith



Sample Letter:

Dear Council Member ________:

I understand that Bloomington City Council members will be voting on Wednesday, June 17, to approve taxpayer funding to some local organizations through the Jack Hopkins Social Services award.

I am writing to express my grave concern over two of the recipients: Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky and All-Options.

Both of these organizations are intimately tied to abortion. The Bloomington Planned Parenthood actually performs the procedure that ends the life of a unique and unrepeatable human person. And All-Options raises money (the Hoosier Abortion Fund) to help women end the lives of their preborn children.

I am aware that neither organization is asking for money to go directly toward abortion. Nonetheless, money is fungible and so funds obtained for one purpose can easily be used for another purpose.

Furthermore, Planned Parenthood is asking money to purchase updated colposcopy equipment that will supposedly make it easier for them to find abnormal cells that could be cancerous. On the surface this seems like a noble, life-saving endeavor; but, if you think about it a little more deeply and do some research, you will find that giving money to Planned Parenthood to help fight cervical cancer is akin to giving money to Philip Morris to help fight lung cancer. Allow me to explain. 99% of cervical cancer cases are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is sexually transmitted. You raise your risk significantly of contracting the virus if your first sexual encounter is at a young age or if you have more than one sexual partner. Having a sexually transmitted infection (STI) also greatly increases a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer, as does long-term use of oral birth control pills. All of these practices are encouraged by Planned Parenthood’s philosophy, making them culpable in the spread of HPV and thus cervical cancer.

With rising abortion numbers at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country (including right here in Bloomington), with out-of-control STI rates, and with the near total breakdown of marriage and family life, it is time that we re-evaluate the role that sexual promiscuity and the jettisoning of traditional sexual mores has played in contributing to the very poor health of our bodies, minds, and souls. A good place to start would be to not permit taxpayer dollars to go to organizations like Planned Parenthood and All Options.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this most important matter.